Education Initiative
Victory Family Home of Champions has developed an initiative that will make education a possibility for many poor families.
Rwanda considers education a critical investment for the country’s future growth and development. However, high poverty rate leaves education out of reach for most families. Victory Family Home of Champions has developed an initiative that will make education a possibility for many poor families. Programs will be geared to vulnerable children age 2-5, and young adults who can’t afford a formal post secondary education.
Because the people of Rwanda find education to be such a high priority, we held a local community assessment meeting to help determine what the local people felt was their greatest needs were.
Nursery and Primary education was the first priority. They are excited about the programs that have been put in place and the programs that are still in the works. We are also excited about mentorship programs that will be set in place to help train up young adults to be responsible and active members of their community.

Daycare & Nursery Programs
Daycare and Nursery Programs will provide nutritious meals and education to vulnerable children in the local villages. As we grow the ministry, it is our hope to add Primary Education as well. Local and international support will also help us run community outreach events such as large scale feeding programs.
Children are the future hope of every nation, Rwanda included. In 2006 the Rwandese Government introduced a fee-free 9 year basic education plan. While enrolment rates have gone up, school related costs remain a barrier for most families.p
Nutrition is an important factor in every child’s physical and cognitive development. Poverty in Rwanda leaves many young children malnourished and many face permanent development delays. Our Nursery School Programs will address these issues by offering two meals per day. This will enable most vulnerable children to develop to their full potential and achieve the best possible start to their education.
Discipleship and Mentoring Programs
Our heart is to help Rwandan people come to know, love and serve Jesus. Through small groups focusing on such areas as Church Leadership, Marriage, Parenting, Healthy relationships and Finance we will grow a strong community of believers and raise up strong Christian leaders who will fight to make their country better.
We have an incredible opportunity to speak into the lives of the local youth, to impart the love of Jesus in their hearts. Hosting Youth Groups in one way we will do this. However during the months of April, August, and December we will use our empty classrooms to run Vacation Bible School Programs. We hope to reach out to remote villages to share the Gospel with kids who don’t have an opportunity to go to church. We hope that these youth will become pastors of their communities. We would love to have Missions Teams come to help us run these vacation Bible School Programs.

Discipleship of Widows and Orphans
Rwanda is a country of many widows. These women have experienced horrific tragedies and have so much wisdom to impart. As we share the love of Jesus with these women we plan to disciple and equip them in Peer Counseling to give them a tangible hope and purpose.
We also plan to reframe Foster Care through the lens of the Gospel. We can assist Christ followers in fulfilling their role in caring for orphans in their communities. The Rwandan Government has closed all orphanages and is struggling to care for their Orphaned children. We Can Help!

Victory Bible College
Pastors in Rwanda have very little opportunity to attend Bible College. We are setting up a Victory Bible College campus on the property in Rwanda where we can facilitate top quality Bible College programs. These programs have been professionally designed and are taught by Victory Bible Colleges around the world.
We will be able to equip and train local pastors so they will be grounded in the foundations of God’s Word. Along will pastors we will also have an opportunity to educate Rwandan men and women who can’t otherwise afford to further their education.
The Bible College initiative will also incorporate an International Program. Students from around the globe can come and earn their Bible College education while working on the mission field, within our ministry. Being the hands and feet of Jesus to a hurting world. Teaching English is on the ways we can help.